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Shyam Infotech:- Domain Name Registration
A domain name is a unique address that can be used on the Internet. It is what you see in the address bar after the “www.” in your web browser to visit a specific website or location on the Internet. Just as homes and offices have addresses, all websites have a unique domain name. You need a domain name to ensure your website has its own special address on the web. For example, the domain name of Shyam Infotech is www.shyaminfotech.com.
The most important thing about a domain name registration is that it gives you personality and recognized identity. Once a Domain Name Registration is done under your name it cannot be re-registered or used by any other user.
This becomes your permanent web address and users can have access to all the information from all over the World. Domain Name Registration are also known as hostnames and each domain has a suffix viz. .com, .net, .in, .org, .co, .co. in, .org and others.
Most Popular Domain Extensions:
• com • net • org • biz • info
• in • net.in • co.in • ind.in • org.in
• pro • co • mobi • me • co.uk
• us.com • uk.com • uk.net • tel • tv
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